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Built-In Commands

Paper includes a few commands by default.

The /paper command

Permission: bukkit.command.paper

It contains many subcommands.

/paper debug

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.debug
Usage: /paper debug chunks

When executed, a file with info for the server will be generated in the debug folder.

/paper mobcaps

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.mobcaps
Usage: /paper mobcaps [world] Replace [world] with a specific world name.

Not done

/paper syncloadinfo

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.syncloadinfo


This command requires the -Dpaper.debug-sync-loads=true startup flag.

When executed it dumps a file from the sync chunk load debugging system. The file can be found in the debug folder.

/paper playermobcaps

Permission: bukkit.command.paper
Usage: /paper playermobcaps

Not done

/paper version

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.version

When you execute the command, it returns the current Paper version and the previous one. If the version is the latest one, it will return that it's up to date. If the server is not using the latest version, it will return how many versions Paper is behind and a download link.

Example Output:

You are 12 version(s) behind
Download the new version at:
Previous version: git-Paper-448 (MC: 1.20.4)

/paper chunkinfo

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.chunkinfo
Usage: /paper chunkinfo [world]
Replace [world] with a specific world name or leave it empty to see chunk info for all worlds.

Gives info for all chunks in a specified world or in all worlds.

Example Output from the console:

[00:00:00 INFO]: Chunks in world:
[00:00:00 INFO]: Total: 529 Inactive: 0 Full: 88 Block Ticking: 80 Entity Ticking: 361
[00:00:00 INFO]: Chunks in world_nether:
[00:00:00 INFO]: Total: 529 Inactive: 0 Full: 88 Block Ticking: 80 Entity Ticking: 361
[00:00:00 INFO]: Chunks in world_the_end:
[00:00:00 INFO]: Total: 529 Inactive: 0 Full: 88 Block Ticking: 80 Entity Ticking: 361
[00:00:00 INFO]: Chunks in ExtraWorld:
[00:00:00 INFO]: Total: 529 Inactive: 0 Full: 88 Block Ticking: 80 Entity Ticking: 361
[00:00:00 INFO]: Chunks in all listed worlds:
[00:00:00 INFO]: Total: 2116 Inactive: 0 Full: 352 Block Ticking: 320 Entity Ticking: 1444

/paper reload

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.reload
Usage: /paper reload


This command is not supported by Paper and may cause issues. If you encounter any issues use the /restart command to restart your server.

Reloads Paper when the command is executed.

/paper fixlight

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.fixlight
Usage: /paper fixlight

Not done

/paper dumplisteners

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.dumplisteners
Usage: /paper dumplisteners tofile|<className>


The command is useful for debugging when some of your plugins is a suspect for cancelling an event.

When executed dumps information about plugin listeners. It takes a name of the listener and dumps information about what plugins that are listening to that event.

/paper dumpitem

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.dumpitem
Usage: /paper dumpitem

Dumps info about the item that the player is holding. Can only be used by players!

Example Dump: Example Dump

/paper holderinfo

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.holderinfo When executed it dumps info about the chunk system state.

Example Output:

[00:00:00 INFO]: Chunks in world:
[00:00:00 INFO]: Total: 2209 Unloadable: 0 Null: 1680 ReadOnly: 0 Proto: 0 Full: 529
[00:00:00 INFO]: Chunks in world_nether:
[00:00:00 INFO]: Total: 2209 Unloadable: 0 Null: 1680 ReadOnly: 0 Proto: 0 Full: 529
[00:00:00 INFO]: Chunks in world_the_end:
[00:00:00 INFO]: Total: 2209 Unloadable: 0 Null: 1680 ReadOnly: 0 Proto: 0 Full: 529
[00:00:00 INFO]: Chunks in ExtraWorld:
[00:00:00 INFO]: Total: 2209 Unloadable: 0 Null: 1680 ReadOnly: 0 Proto: 0 Full: 529
[00:00:00 INFO]: Chunks in all listed worlds:
[00:00:00 INFO]: Total: 8836 Unloadable: 0 Null: 6720 ReadOnly: 0 Proto: 0 Full: 2116

/paper heap

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.heap


The heap dump contains detailed information about your server, which can be sensitive. Be very careful with who you share the generated heap dump!

When executed it creates a heap dump in the dumps folder.

/paper entity

Permission: bukkit.command.paper.entity
Usage: /paper entity list [filter] [world] Replace [world] with a specific world name and [filter] with a entity type.

When executed it shows info for a specific entity (or all entities) in the specified world.

Example Output:

[00:00:00 INFO]: Total Ticking: 190, Total Non-Ticking: 19
[00:00:00 INFO]: 27 (0) : minecraft:creeper
[00:00:00 INFO]: 15 (5) : minecraft:chicken
[00:00:00 INFO]: 20 (0) : minecraft:skeleton
[00:00:00 INFO]: 15 (1) : minecraft:pig
[00:00:00 INFO]: 15 (0) : minecraft:bat
[00:00:00 INFO]: 12 (2) : minecraft:chest_minecart
[00:00:00 INFO]: 14 (0) : minecraft:tropical_fish
[00:00:00 INFO]: 13 (0) : minecraft:zombie
[00:00:00 INFO]: 12 (0) : minecraft:sheep
[00:00:00 INFO]: 11 (0) : minecraft:cow
[00:00:00 INFO]: 4 (5) : minecraft:horse
[00:00:00 INFO]: 6 (0) : minecraft:spider
[00:00:00 INFO]: 5 (0) : minecraft:glow_squid
[00:00:00 INFO]: 4 (0) : minecraft:squid
[00:00:00 INFO]: 3 (0) : minecraft:donkey
[00:00:00 INFO]: 2 (1) : minecraft:enderman
[00:00:00 INFO]: 2 (0) : minecraft:cod
[00:00:00 INFO]: 2 (0) : minecraft:drowned
[00:00:00 INFO]: 2 (0) : minecraft:item
[00:00:00 INFO]: 0 (2) : minecraft:ocelot
[00:00:00 INFO]: 2 (0) : minecraft:pufferfish
[00:00:00 INFO]: 0 (2) : minecraft:turtle
[00:00:00 INFO]: 1 (0) : minecraft:boat
[00:00:00 INFO]: 1 (0) : minecraft:dolphin
[00:00:00 INFO]: 1 (0) : minecraft:falling_block
[00:00:00 INFO]: 1 (0) : minecraft:player
[00:00:00 INFO]: 0 (1) : minecraft:wolf
[00:00:00 INFO]: * First number is ticking entities, second number is non-ticking entities